Are you a good driver? The Insurance company wants your Vehicle Telematics to prove it. Your first thought might be NO WAY when presented with the idea of an app or device that tracks your driving behavior. Today the use of Vehicle Telematics with Usage-based Insurance is gaining popularity amongst Insurance Carriers and can save you money.
You might have heard of the “black boxes” on aircraft. That’s the flight recorder that records information from the aircrafts flight computer which is analyzed in the event of a crash to find out what happened. However, did you know that as far back as 1994 General Motors has been putting “black boxes” in automobiles?
Automotive Engineers, in order to gather information and learn how their cars performed in crashes, have been collecting “black box” information from their vehicles for years. Starting in 2014, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) requires automobile manufactures to have black boxes in every new vehicle. The NHTSA mandate requires every new vehicle “black box” record 15 variables of your driving. The information recorded (Vehicle Telematics) includes vehicle speed, braking, seat belt usage and more.
So, how can Vehicle Telematics save you money on your Auto Insurance? Some Insurance Carriers will give you a discount no matter what just for signing up for Telematics. In fact, in some cases you could receive up to a 30% discount if you are truly a good driver. If you have any questions about this or other ways to save money on your insurance contact me for a personalized review.