We all like to save money and if you’re looking to lower your auto insurance premiums consider these 4 tips.
First off, if you want to pay less out of pocket for insurance premiums, the best advise I have for you is to be more aware of your driving habits. I know this sounds like a no brainer but let me elaborate a bit. What you pay is directly related to your driving record. With the introduction of Telematics, which is also know as Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) the insurance company can easily track your driving behavior and reward you for good driving habits. In fact, most companies that offer Telematics will give you an up-front discount just for signing up for the feature.
My second tip on saving money helps not only your auto policy premium but your home or renters policy as well. Bundling as it’s become known as or combining your policies with the same Insurance company will give you what’s know in the insurance industry as a multi-line discount.
The third tip I have is to look for discounts. Many insurance companies have payment discounts like a pay in full discounts where you pay less if entire amount for the policy term is paid in full. Also, if you have a youthful driver they may be entitled to a “good grades” discount. If you are driving less miles each day because or retirement or a job change you could save money with a low millage discount.
My last tip is to shop around. My recommendation is to work with an Independent Insurance Agent like myself who doesn’t have a biased interest in any one insurance company. I work for you not the Insurance Company to find you the right coverage at the best possible price. It’s my commitment to offer the coverage you need, and the service you deserve at the best possible price.